"These free hours of consultation have been incredibly helpful. The consultants have been responsive, quick to answer my requests, and seemed sincerely interested in helping me find answers. This support has filled a perfect niche and met my non-profit's needs trying to navigate so many new issues. Thank you for your creative assistance!" - CAP Support Recipient
How it Works
The Capacity Advisory Pool (CAP) is designed to help nonprofits elevate their impact by providing access to expert advice and guidance at no cost to the organization. Eligible organizations serving Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, and Leelanau counties can receive up to five hours of free consultation, plus an exploratory call to discuss their specific needs and challenges. Services are now available for Manistee County through support from Manistee County Community Foundation.
Our team of consultants is here to offer strategic guidance, helping you navigate complex issues and develop effective solutions. While they provide valuable advice and direction, it’s important to note that they are there to support and guide your efforts—not to do the work for you. This ensures that your organization builds the capacity to implement and sustain improvements independently, fostering long-term success.
Whether you’re seeking help with fundraising strategies, organizational management, or any other area of nonprofit operations, the Capacity Advisory Pool is a powerful resource to help you achieve your goals.
Meet the Consultants
Topic Areas
We have created our team with expertise in areas identified as high priorities by survey respondents.
- Adaptive leadership & coaching
- Communications
- Decision making & strategic action
- Nonprofit management
- Financial management
- Fund development
- Human resources
- Legal & liability
- Meeting design
- Partnership agreements & collaboration
- Technology
- Time management
Need support with something that is not on the list? Reach out and we may be able to help you! For more information, contact Kendra Luta.
This program is intended to offer the support needed to work through organizational challenges. This may include guidance, recommendations of next steps, tools, and resources. It does not include hands-on support such as strategic planning facilitation, developing fund development plans, or board training.
- Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, unit of government, or Native nation serving Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska or Leelanau Counties.
- Approval of requests will be made based on:
- Description of need or challenge
- Description of the impact the challenge has had on the organization
- Urgency of the issue and availability of consultants
- Up to five hours of support is available per organization per Rotary Charities fiscal year (July through June).
How to Request Support
- Submit a request for an exploratory meeting with a consultant.
- Our staff will be in touch to make recommendations and facilitate a connection to a consultant.
- Participants must complete a brief Evaluation Survey within 30 days of completing the consultation. Survey results will be used to help adapt the program.
- Contact Kendra Luta with questions.
Submit a Request
"Being part of the Capacity Advisory Pool means clients can leverage the diverse strengths of experienced professionals who are also passionate about building and nurturing community."
- Megan Motil, CAP Consultant
Meet the Consultants
Chelsea Bay Dennis, Chelsea Bay Design bio
Areas of expertise: Communications; Creative consulting; Graphic design; Branding
"I love being part of the community, collaborating, and using what I am good at for good! Design has the power to educate, raise awareness, and make change in the world, and I am passionate about offering branding, design and creative consulting specifically for environmentally and socially responsible companies and organizations."
Courtney Bierschbach, Solution Weaver bio
Areas of expertise: Hybrid meeting facilitation; Project management; Peer-to-peer fundraising; Automated email communication (MailChimp, Constant Contact)
"I love combining my experience in the nonprofit sector with what I learned in the tech sector to support our region's amazing nonprofits and the important work they do for all of us.."
Laine Blasch, Blasch Consulting bio
Areas of expertise: Decision-making & strategic action; Process improvement & technology implementation
"I am very passionate about supporting non-profits as they seek answers to complex and often times ambiguous projects. My multiple years in the public sector, knowledge, and experience in all aspects of organizational development provide an understanding essential to building positive and trusting relationships."
Jamie Caldwell, CPA bio
Areas of expertise: Tax & accounting guidance; Audit & 990 guidance; QuickBooks Online
"Audit and tax are scary words in the non-profit world and I am excited to do what I can to help the organizations in the area feel better prepared when audit time comes around."
Lucille Chrisman, Coach Works bio
Areas of expertise: Adaptive leadership and coaching; Organizational culture; Communication styles; Strengthening teams & collaboration
"As a coach and consultant, it is exciting to know I am helping support our community in meeting their goals and overcoming barriers/challenges along the way. The Capacity Advisory Pool has a ripple effect beyond the immediate service provided in that it creates a safety net that demonstrates we all matter in this community and you do not need to do it alone."
Elise Loud, Placecraft, bio
Areas of expertise: Community planning; Action prioritization & implementation; Inclusive community engagement
"The scale of this work means that our results are quick, tailored to the client's specific needs, and action-oriented. I love helping clients take a confident step forward without overthinking it too much."
Sarah Ely, Crescent Hill Consulting bio
Areas of expertise: Meeting design & facilitation
"Using Liberating Structures, we co-design a step-by-step roadmap for your meeting in mind. You emerge with a usable script developed according to the meeting's timeframe. Year upon year, clients have routinely felt equipped to plan and facilitate future meetings because of this robust toolkit and initial support through tactical consultation."
Tim Ervin, bio
Areas of expertise: Partnership agreements & collaboration; Fund development; Mergers; Building community fiduciaries
Beth Handley-McMall, EM North Consulting, bioAreas of expertise: Adaptive leadership & coaching; Strategic planning; Organizational growth and transition; Executive search
"My passion has always been coaching organizations and individuals to grow, change and thrive in small business and non-profits. I am grateful to partner with Rotary Charities and non-profit leaders and teams who are changing and impacting our beautiful Grand Traverse Region."
Julie Hay, bio
Areas of expertise: Grant writing & application support; Funding opportunity research; Public-private partnerships (municipal fundraising)
"I'm humbled to be included among such great thinkers and excited to see how this opportunity will allow me to contribute to my community and grow as a human."
Brett Holleman bioAreas of expertise: Adaptive leadership & coaching; Fund development; Strategic Planning; Organizational Growth and Development; Fractured Leadership Teams
"I love working with and supporting clients so they can lead with sustainable impact. It is a privilege serving in this capacity to help empower leaders in the community who are addressing critical human needs."
Colleen Masterson-Bzdok, Wavelength Consulting bioAreas of expertise: Meeting design & inclusive facilitation tools; Project management; Organizational culture; Time management and prioritization; Clifton Strengths and DiSC
"I love being able to provide 1:1 support in this way. It is responsive, timely, and relevant. Changemakers are so appreciative of our time together, and it feels great to be helpful and supportive."
Beth Melcher, MoneyFit bioAreas of expertise: Financial management; QuickBooks Online
"Small business and nonprofit organizations are the fuel of our community. Anything we can do to help get them rolling, we are thrilled. I love that we are teaching people to carve out a thriving place of their own. Financial awareness is key to long-term success."
Rebecca Millican, Olson & Howard bio Areas of expertise: Legal & liability; Nonprofit organizational structure
"I am pleased to help make legal services available to those in our community to whom it may seem out of reach."
Megan Motil, Parallel Solutions bioAreas of expertise: Strategic planning and execution; Organizational growth and development; Leadership and funding transitions; Cross-sector and inter-jurisdictional partnerships; Community/stakeholder engagement; Meeting design
"When a coaching and consulting client leaves a session with me, my hope is they feel supported, seen, heard, valued, and understood. I also hope they've gained clarity about their direction, contemplated something new, or received guidance about an approach, practice, or resource in support of the next intentional steps they feel ready and empowered to take. "
Michelle Northrup, NM Datum LLC, bio
Areas of expertise: Database management; Salesforce administration; Nonprofit operations
"Nonprofits can gain resources to implement the Salesforce CRM but often lack the capacity to maintain or to use it to its full potential. I want to help bridge that gap by advising nonprofits to ensure that Salesforce works best for them as they continue to serve their communities."
Sonja Parkinson, Yeo & Yeo HR Advisory Solutions, bioAreas of expertise: Human resources; Organizational culture; Employee training
"It is an honor to partner with Rotary Charities in supporting non-profits in the region. One of the best parts about being in this role is that each consult brings new and exciting opportunities to help make a difference. Even small tweaks to organizational and people management processes can make a big impact."
Christie Perdue, The Solvent Group bio
Areas of expertise: Fund development; Communications
"I love working with smaller organizations and getting them started in the right direction with fund development. Always love these meetings!"
Julie Ann Rivers-Cochran, Blackbird Consulting bioAreas of expertise: Nonprofit management; Disaster & crisis response, preparedness & mitigation; Strategic planning; Vision & mission development; Executive coaching
"People commit to nonprofit organizations because they are passionate about serving their community. This passion is one of the reasons I feel privileged to do this work. It's a joy to help nonprofit boards and staff build capacity so that their passion translates into great impact."
Anthony Rupard, Solvent Group bio
Areas of expertise: Fundraising: Annual giving; Major gifts and campaigns
"I have a passion for coaching and supporting nonprofits. I believe nonprofits are a critical engine that helps transform and sustain our communities. My favorite part about partnering with nonprofit clients is helping them scale their mission to new heights."
Rob Stennett, Storyize bio
Areas of expertise: Communications; Digital marketing; Storytelling; End of year giving; Marketing; Video production; Google Ad Words nonprofit grant; Podcasting
"Nonprofits do some of the most interesting work in the world. I love helping nonprofits tell their stories in a way that inspires donors and volunteers. I love helping others discover what you do and why it matters. "
Desiree Worthington bio
Areas of expertise: Fund development; Campaign readiness; Major gift program development
"Non-profit organizations play an important role in enhancing the quality of life in northern Michigan. It is an honor to help strengthen vital missions in our region."
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