Shifting my mindset about social distancing

As we shift into working virtually (I am consciously avoiding the term “remotely” – this feels distant enough; no need to underscore it more with a word), our staff continues to stay in touch with video conferencing, email, calls and texting. It’s a new way of being and doing.
Getting outside and going in are two ways we can stay sane during this time of upheaval. Changing our mindset about social distancing and feeling cooped up is another.
I'm fortunate to be able to walk and run; having a time each day when I’m outside and living in this beautiful area is a balm to me. My daily meditation practice is another way I’m connecting inward and calming the constant chatter.
Changing my mindset about being locked down is quite another challenge. I listened to an interesting framing of that this morning. One way to look at this is through the lens of compassion and action: by conforming to the guidelines, we are exercising not limitation, but compassion for others. By taking these actions, we may actually save a life. It is the most compassionate thing we can do for our community. What feels like inaction is actually very active!
So, in this time of uncertainty and rapid change, know that we are with you. Our role as a funder is to collaborate and help create the space for your work to continue. Our region is fortunate to have a rich ecosystem of nonprofits, local units of government and schools working on many levels to support our most vulnerable populations and our quality of life. We are listening – please share what you are struggling with and how you are keeping sane. If you have ideas for how we can help, please share them. We’ll be sending out a simple survey today, but reach out to any of our staff, anytime.
Sending strength and wishes for good health,